My Skills

Communication Skills

In my capacity as deputy head of the Research and Planning Unit of the Malawi Police Service, I am called upon to be secretary to many top-level task teams and committees both at the local and international levels. In this role, I have learned to tailor the tone, style and format of my language in order to suit the audience at hand. I have also learned to write and speak more effectively. Further to this, I have learned to work collaboratively with colleagues in pursuit of agreed goals and to share credit for team successes and to accept blame for team failures.

Leadership Skills

As deputy head of the department mandated to coordinate the implementation of the European Union-funded Democratic Governance Programme (DGP), I have played a pivotal role in inculcating a culture of ethical application of force by Malawi Police officers. I have strongly condemned use of excessive force and this has resulted in significant decreases in the number of citizens killed by police as well as the number of officers who get into trouble for abuse of force.


In my role as a police researcher and a criminal intelligence analyst, I have learned to use graphical and quantitative methods to identify key issues in complex situations and suggest solutions that address the root causes or key precipitants of the problem. I have also learned to consider both positive and negative implications of alternative courses of action before making or recommending a decision.

Planning Skills

As a senior security operational planner in my country, I have led joint security technical planning teams for major security operations. For instance, in 2011 and 2012 I led teams comprising military, police, intelligence and immigration officers in planning for the security of the AU and SADC heads of state and government summits, respectively in my country. This involved a thorough analysis of threats facing each head of state and logically coming up with implementable mitigation measures. I also improved my presentation skills as this role involved briefing different people - ranging from my more immediate bosses to top government officials, to different embassy security officers - on the different security mechanisms that we had put in place. Each brief was tailored to the different needs of the audience.

Computer Skills
  • Microsoft Office
  • Internet and Email
  • ArcGIS
  • Microsoft Project 

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